It's the moment we've long been waiting for (for two weeks) -- today, we crown a song as our Inaugural Summer queen! Including an all-expense paid trip to everyone's Summer playlist!
Without further ado, here is our Song -- wait, WHAT? Songs, plural?? A tie???
We couldn't let this stand by any measure. Fortunately, we had enough staffers to force a tiebreak, and so the real song of the summer is...Winner: Harry Styles - "As It Was"
This was as unprecedented as the Moonlight/La La Land Oscar disaster, except we didn't script this shit. As for those bonus questions...
Which channel.WAV staffer got the most sunburnt this year?
Which channel.WAV staffer hid the most from the sun this year?
Is Dane ready to go back to school?
Boy, did y'all get this one right.Will HAIM ever respond to Aaron?
And the unrequited love of our resident heartthrob continues! HAIM, he's as lost as your summer jam, "Lost Track."And that's a wrap on Summer 2022 (mostly)! We'll be back with more News, Views, and Reviews later this week.
Again, HUGE shoutout and thanks to fans and followers for your participation! We love interacting with y'all. Leave a comment below discussing whether you thought our results got it RIGHT or got it WRONG!
- channel.WAV Staff
justice for HAIM :(