Friday Roundup (of News & Thoughts & Such) - April 8th

Welcome to the Friday Roundup (of News and Thoughts and Such) which, at some number of consecutive weeks, is channel.WAV’s longest running and most prestigious column, which I, Brandon Slone, am publishing on a Sunday because reasons. Let’s dive into this week’s news. 

1. Black Star to release first album in 24 years

Black Star, the duo of Yasiin Bey/Mos Def and Talib Kweli, whose first album was a staple of “CDs I kept in my car,” will be dropping the long long awaited follow-up on May 3. Exciting. 

2. Kid Rock concerts opening with message from Donald Trump

Strange timeline, this one. Everything is awful but a lot of it is also pretty funny. 

3. Jack White proposes, gets married during, concert in Detroit

That’s kind of fun, yeah?

4. Read Donald Glover’s interview with himself

I haven’t read it yet. I’ve been astonishingly busy this week. But he’s an interesting person who says interesting things, so I am comfortable recommending it

A lot of other shit also probably happened but if this is getting published today it is getting wrapped up now. 

What’s channel.WAV listening to this week?

Ritter: If you’re looking for some new indie rock to throw into your rotation, I heartily recommend Barbara by Barrie. Perfectly chill and genuinely unique!

Botts: Have you ever realized the All American Rejects released bangers? Here’s a blast from the past (Gonzo by AAR)



- Slone
